When Should We Eat – When Should We Exercise
Lets take a look at ketosis from a fitness lifestyle and lets look at ketosis from a meal perspective. With us today are two experts Thomas DeLauer & Dr. Berg, Thomas is a fitness expert and Dr. Berg is a physician and ketosis expert.
This video is broken down into chunks. What exercises you should do when in ketosis. How energy is created in ketosis. And they will talk about a few other things as well.
You see, we have three different energy systems within the body. We have the aerobic system, which is where your body is utilizing oxygen as a source of energy. Then we have the glycolytic pathway, this is the energy system that you're normally using when you're working out, when your weight training, things like that. Then we have the creatine phosphate system. The creatine phosphate system is what gives you that initial burst of strength.
Well, here's what we need to be thinking about. What kind of exercise should you be doing to get the best results when you're in ketosis? When you're in ketosis and you're deprived of carbohydrates, you don't have the carbohydrates that usually give you the energy for the glycolytic pathway. What this means is that the repetition range of, say, 6 reps to maybe 15 reps is a little bit more difficult because that particular range uses carbohydrates as a source of fuel. Since you don't have carbs as a source of fuel at that point in time, it can make it pretty hard to have strength.
However, we have those two other energy systems that we can utilize. We have the aerobic energy system, which utilizes mostly fats as a source of fuel. That's why when you're in ketosis, you feel like your endurance is phenomenal. Your body is usually using fats when it comes down to endurance activities. So you respond really, really, really well to cardio. That means increasing your rep range so it's a little bit more of a cardio burn, or doing a little bit more good old-fashioned cardio. You're going to get a lot of benefit out of it and your body is going to preserve muscle because of the specific ketogenic state that you're in.
Watch the video and discover a whole lot more.
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